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Savion Robinson

Half Body Shot


-Self-Published Author-”My Joke Book”(2022)

-Town Of Cary Baseball Champion(2019)

-Green Hope High Graduate(2020)

-“The Dark Mist” Nightmare Fuel(2020)-on Vocal.Media


 Hi, My name is Savion Robinson, born middle child of Michael and Shelicia Robinson. I grew up playing sports like baseball and basketball in Georgia in my early life, Then I later moved to North Carolina at the age of six because of my father's new job opportunity. I left behind a majority of my family in Atlanta, GA by force and because I was too young to take care of myself. That really left an impact on me. So much so, that I was lost in school and in what I was doing and who I was. I struggled to find who I was and what I was about and so my parents just threw me into sports like recreational baseball and basketball to meet and make friends with children my age (that didn't work at all).  Later, when I got to high school and became a freshmen; I went out for the talent show. I asked my friends at the time if they would be interested in forming a band for the show, but they humbly declined to keep their pride's Intact. So I went out anyway. I didn't win the talent show at my high school but I still performed and made a bunch of people laugh (a lot). After the show, a guy just came up to me and started chuckling at me when I was talking to my parents. I thought something was "broken upstairs" with him. But that was enough to convince me that I was doing something right. From then on I started doing events in my school mostly put on by the Improv, English, and Music teachers and staff. Around my junior year when I turned 17 years old, my soon to be senior english teacher told me that I was not going to be able to perform in the talent show that year and he didn't give me a valid reason why, until he told me that my father was the one who said I couldn't perform. I went home to my mother and asked her if this was true and she said she did not know anything about it. That's when I realized that the people around me where not really being honest worthy and I did not know who to believe. So then I just started going out to local open mics and performing in comedy competitions (did not win those either). But I still went,  just for the joy and the love of what I was doing. I attended a technical school for two years before dropping out and realizing   community college was dull and  boring (especially during covid, go figure)  Now I travel the country doing paid shows and other fun projects and voice my opinions on social media event though I GENUINELY prefer not using it.



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